Phenology of apple tree (Malus domestica Borkh.) in Kyiv Oblast in the context of climate change
apple, phenophases, interphase periods, climatological norm, air temperature, precipitations, heat supplAbstract
Purpose. To conduct comparative analysis of agro-meteorological elements dynamics over the past 35 years and the date and duration of main phenophases of plants of apple varieties to be common for Kyiv Oblast. Methods. Field, comparative, statistical ones, generalization. Results. It was established that Kyiv Oblast has experienced the steady rising of average annual temperature (by 0,6 °С), increase of yearly precipitation (by 20 mm), considerable growth of heat supply level (by 261 °С) in the vegetation period that contributes to the changes in starting date and duration of main phenophases. Conclusions. A significant increase of the sum of active and effective temperatures accumulated for the last 35-year period in Kyiv Oblast at climatological date of occurrence of certain phenophases in the development of apple trees, led to an earlier date of flowering (by 4–5 days). At the same time it did not influence the duration of this phase, but contributed to the reduction of interphase period «the end of flowering–picking maturity of fruits» by 5–12 days.
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